Az axonometrikus ábrázolás alapjai
A modellek segítséget nyújtanak az axonometrikus ábrázolás elveinek gyakorlásában, amely témakört részletesen feldolgozunk az Építészmérnök Bsc szakosok Ábrázolási alapismeretek kurzusában.
A sárga és fehér elemek közvetlenül szerepelnek a feladatokban:
Basics of axonometric representation
These models help in practicing the principles of axonometric representation, which topic is covered in detail in the course Basics of Representation for students in Architecture Bsc.
The yellow and white elements are included directly in the tasks:
The orange elements are the basic blocks of some complex shapes. Some examples:
Recommended worksheets:
- Worksheets on Axonometry (in progress)
- Building and axonometic representation of shapes illustrated with its multiview projections
- Construct illustrative view of an object using new image planes (transformation of image planes system)
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